
As you may be aware, the M.S.D. of Wayne Township is currently in year two of our strategic planning process. At the core of our strategic planning process is input from our community, including your child or children! Student voice is critical as we work to improve our communication, academic programs, and overall experience for everyone.

In an effort to learn more about student experiences at school, we will be asking for your child’s feedback via two online surveys they will be completing at school. The survey window is September 5-23, and each survey shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete.

Indiana statute requires the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) and the M.S.D. of Wayne Township to provide parents and students notice of your rights under the new legislation. As outlined in the legislation, HEA 1447:

I. Requires qualified schools to obtain parental consent before certain personal analyses, evaluations, or surveys may be administered to a student;

II. Requires qualified schools to post a copy of certain personal analyses, evaluations, and surveys to the school’s website;

III. Gives parents of students enrolled in qualified schools the right to review and inspect all materials related to certain personal analyses, evaluations, and surveys;

IV. Restricts the manner in which the responses or results derived from certain personal analyses, evaluations, and surveys may be recorded, collected, or maintained; and

V. Requires qualified schools to include specific provisions in their contracts with third-party vendors that provide certain personal analyses, surveys, or evaluations.

The Fall 2023 survey will ask students to reflect on their classroom and school experiences and their well-being related to school. We are asking that all of our students participate in the survey, as their feedback will provide invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs.

  • If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether.
  • The responses to these surveys will be completely confidential.
  • We are partnering with a third-party vendor to support us in administering these surveys.

If you wish to review the survey materials, they are available below. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Walters at or (317) 988-8600.